South Chicago Dance Theatre

What a beautiful season we had, and we are sad to see it go! We are just feeling lucky for what’s ahead and looking forward to a wonderful Season 8!!

Personally, one of the biggest things I’ll miss is dancing with our amazing Kim Davis (pictured front & center). Kim is moving back to Virginia for awhile and pursuing commercial dance endeavors and I could not be more proud of her. Like I’ve said before, we are a giant dance family here at SCDT and over the past four seasons of dancing with Kim, we’ve all become so close to her. We predict each other’s jokes, laugh our faces off in rehearsal and on tour, enjoy being around one another, and can practically read Kia’s mind at this point. To my partner-in-crime, we love you and you will be so missed. I’ll forever remember all of our amazing times together!!

Aside from that, Season 7 was surely one to save in the books! From traveling to Colombia, another home season show at the Auditorium Theatre, SIX world premieres, and even a Chicago Opera Theatre collaboration – we are tired but THANKFUL!

In just a few short months, I’ll be back giving you the low down on all things Season 8 and I promise you, it’s something to get REALLY excited about. Big news ahead…but for now THANK YOU for following us along our Season 7 journey. We love dancing and sharing our journey with you!!

Signing off for the season,

Kelly Anderson