Grateful for MOVEMENT

Gratitude series taking us through the month of November and it may seem completely simple, but today I am reflecting on my gratitude for movement itself.
Think about it – as I’m typing this, I’m mimicking the motion that most people do every single day for a job. Most people sit at a desk, stare at a computer, type or respond to emails, and spend practically 8 hours a day in this same format.
Don’t get me wrong – my job is strenuous and physically exhausting, but I just can’t picture a life in which I stay STILL for so much of it.
In addition to this, most people know their co-workers in a small-talk and brief conversation format. I know the depths of my co-workers, I trust them, I fall to them, I balance with their strength, and I spend most moments of my day interacting, problem-solving, and collaborating with them.
I simply can’t imagine a life without deep connection and love for the people I work with.
Movement supersedes language and becomes our own intimate conversation. It helps me to meet someone faster, know who they are simply by HOW they move. I love it so much.
One of the best things we learned very young through dancing was that you get to let your emotions out through movement. Bad day? Focus on the movement and let it out. Good day? Jump high, soar through the sky, and continue to feel amped by dancing it out. Want to embody/act like a character completely unlike yourself? With dance, every day is like Halloween dress up and we get to play as characters.
Through movement we are allowed to play, explore, discover, and keep the child-like wonder of life alive.
Today, I’m thankful for a career that keeps me moving, happy, stimulated, active, healthy, and desiring to come back to “work” each day.