Happy Holidays from SCDT!

A big HAPPY HOLIDAYS from SCDT at our annual Holiday Party that we had just yesterday, December 12.
Our end-of-year often times ends up being so busy that we struggle to find a time to pause in the dancing and celebrate a successful, healthy year with one another! So, yes, it’s a bit early, but we enjoyed the celebration nonetheless.
With the Emerging and Associate artists’ show this coming weekend, and the Main Company heading out to Laguna Beach, California for a performance of an Opera, we pinned down this mid-week party for us all to participate in!
What did we do? Eat, laugh, show up in our favorite holiday sweaters, relax, and play games! Each year we tend to watch back an old performance that most of us were involved in. This year, we snuggled up (shown above) on gymnastic mats to watch our Jacob’s Pillow performance! Back in August we had the honor of showing 4 works in a 40-minute performance outside in Beckett, Massachusetts at the renowned Jacob’s Pillow! Just yesterday, we watched it back and it’s always a joy to watch with everyone. We make jokes, reminisce, and compliment each other on what a crazy amazing job we all did at that performance. For some of the new emerging artists, it’s their first time seeing some of those pieces performed by us!
After the showing, we ate more and played a South Chicago Dance Theatre themed version of Guess Who? A couple of us Company Members dreamed this game up last year and I finally put it together and it was such a success!
My favorite part of being on this company is how it truly feels like a family. We all care for each other and genuinely enjoy hanging out together. Celebrating 2024 was a must and I’m so glad we got to do it together – even if it was a bit early!
Happy Holidays to you all, enjoy your time together whenever you have the chance to celebrate!!