All caps because this is a VERY special announcement/post! South Chicago Dance Theatre has a feature in the February 2021 issue of Dance Magazine! How cool! Dance Magazine is a publication I've been subscribed to receiving in the mail since I was a preteen at a competition dance studio. I used to jump off my couch when my parents announced
...and what a year it has been! We know it has been a crazy one for so many people, and as a company we are privileged and so happy to say that we have had the ability to continue moving forward and employ more artists during this difficult time. Personally speaking, SCDT has been such a blessing to
Happy Holiday Season! After a full month of rigorous rehearsals (trust me
New month, new projects! We returned from our Thanksgiving break just in time to hear some exciting news. South Chicago Dance Theatre will partner with Quad City Arts. This past week we've spent capturing video footage of dance material in a variety of genres. As a dancer, it's been exciting to revisit all of the styles we train
It's festival week! There are so many events, and if you haven't bought your tickets yet for the performances
As it’s November, and gratitude goes hand in hand with this month of thanksgiving, I find it fitting to address the ten things I am most thankful for as a part of SCDT. Gratitude is one of my favorite practices - each morning I write down ten things in the past 24 hours that I am thankful for.
It’s South Chicago Dance Festival time!! October is coming to a close and we are SO looking forward because November means it is time for our second annual dance festival! As a company member, I am so thankful that we have an artistic director like Kia who is persistent in keeping us and our community performing. Even if
Fall has always in some way signified change for me. Whether it was starting a new school year or moving to a new city, there was always something “new” come the turn of the season. Lucky for us this Fall, we have had the privilege of having our own new choreographic work. For the past few weeks we
Choreography for the company looks a little different this season and we are soaking up all the benefits of virtual learning. Our first Zoom adventure was this Wednesday with Crystal Michelle Perkins. All the company members and emerging artists spent two hours learning new phrases of choreography via the screen. Crystal’s process worked quite well – she taught her